When Every Employee Is a Keeper of the Company’s Culture: An Interview With WD‑40 Company’s Karla Pinckes

A company’s culture is one of the most important elements of a successful compliance program, but how does a company teach something as ephemeral as culture? How does a compliance department move beyond seeing itself, and being seen as, the bribery police? The Anti-Corruption Report recently spoke with WD‑40 Company’s associate general counsel and assistant corporate secretary Karla Pinckes about her company’s approach to compliance and ethics messaging. By focusing on core values, she explained, the WD‑40 Company is able to empower all of its employees to take an active interest in the company’s wellbeing. The values focus also impacts how the company’s compliance and ethics department operates. Pinckes encourages her staff to see and promote themselves as culture keepers, an approach that is reaping dividends in close relationships with the business and company-wide support for compliance. See “Finding the Softer Side: VMware’s Senior Director of Ethics and Compliance Discusses Her Department’s ‘Re-Brand’” (Jan. 24, 2018).

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