In the past few years, U.S. enforcement authorities have heightened their rhetoric surrounding voluntary and complete self-disclosure. New policies and rules issued by the government strongly encourage and incentivize disclosure in unprecedented ways. At the same time, an alarming increase in data leaks and the ever-present danger of whistleblowers threaten to reveal or force the disclosure of company information and secrets at every turn. In a guest article, Lara A. Covington, a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Holland & Knight, and Lisa A. Prager, a partner in the firm’s New York office, explain that the net effect of these internal and external pressures is that U.S. companies have never faced more inducements to disclose potential FCPA violations nor higher risks of inadvertently disclosing them. See the Anti-Corruption Report’s three-part series on the DOJ’s Pilot Program: “Going Deep on the Fraud Section’s FCPA Pilot Program” (Apr. 20, 2016); “How Will the Fraud Section’s Pilot Program Change Voluntary Self-Reporting?” (May 4, 2016); and “Earning Cooperation Credit Under the Fraud Section’s FCPA Pilot Program” (May 18, 2016).