Estimating Loss: When and How to Calculate and Disclose Financial Reserves for FCPA Settlements (Compendium of SEC Filings)

When a public company is negotiating an FCPA settlement with the government, it must consider its concurrent obligation to set and publicly disclose a financial reserve for that settlement.  This raises various issues.  How early should a company set a reserve?  When should the company disclose that reserve?  What language should the disclosure include?  The Anti-Corruption Report has published a three-part series (see part onepart two and part three) addressing crucial issues companies face when considering whether and how to compute and disclose financial reserves for FCPA settlements.  With help from Intelligize’s database and search tools, the Anti-Corruption Report has also organized this long-form compendium of actual FCPA reserve-related disclosures from recent SEC filings to complement the series.  The disclosures are grouped based on when in the investigation the company established a reserve, as follows: (1) Reserve Disclosure Made During Early Discussions with the Government; (2) Reserve Disclosures Made During the Course of the Government Investigation; and (3) Reserve Disclosures Made on the Eve of Settlement.  These real-world examples of relevant disclosures can serve as precedents for counsel tasked with drafting or reviewing SEC filings when a company is considering setting a reserve in anticipation of an FCPA settlement.  To maximize the value of this compendium as a practice tool, this compendium also contains links to each of the filings discussed and quoted.

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