First 100 Days As GC/CCO: Managing Daily Work, Performing Risk Assessments and Looking Ahead

During a new GC or CCO’s first 100 days, he or she is forced to adjust to the role’s rigors while simultaneously performing the position’s legal and compliance duties beginning day one. In conjunction with the knowledge and relationships they will develop their first 100 days, GC/CCOs must continuously evaluate the firms’ weaknesses and risks with an eye toward introducing reforms in the next 100 days and beyond. This third article in a three-part series discusses how new GC/CCOs can balance getting up to speed at their new firm with performing the day-to-day legal and compliance work it requires, while also evaluating necessary changes and improvements going forward. The first article offered guidance for starting the GC/CCO role on the right foot, including how to prepare before day one and ways to set the right tone for the new role. The second article explored why and how GC/CCOs can prioritize gathering knowledge about the firm and building the foundation for solid relationships with key people in their first 100 days. See “How CCOs Can Avoid Personal Liability for an Organization’s Compliance Failures” (Jan. 6, 2021).

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