“Risk-based” is perhaps the most commonly uttered phrase in the anti-corruption space. The DOJ and the SEC routinely recommend that companies perform risk assessments when formulating and implementing their anti-corruption compliance programs. Despite this clear directive, the government has provided little guidance on what constitutes a sufficient and effective risk assessment. Recognizing the business demand for a clear outline of best practices in this area, the Anti-Corruption Report is publishing a series of interviews with FCPA experts in different disciplines on effective techniques for conducting anti-corruption risk assessments. This, the second article in the series, includes our interview with Kevin Bennett, a Managing Director in the Forensic and Valuation Services practice of Grant Thornton LLP. The first article in the series included our interview with David Simon, partner at Foley & Lardner LLP. See also “Insight from Top Companies and Practitioners on How They Are Addressing Current Anti-Corruption Issues, from Self-Reporting to Risk Assessments to Training” (May 15, 2013).