The manipulation of expense reports is one way to cover up a bribe, and employees can be creative about evading internal controls. To assist companies in designing, implementing and maintaining best-in-class expense-reimbursement programs, the Anti-Corruption Report is publishing a three-part article series on the topic. This, the second article in the series, explores how different types of expense limits can protect companies from expense-report fraud and how to implement those limits effectively. The first article in this series discussed risks associated with expense reports; provided advice on using travel and entertainment policies to limit expense-report fraud; and outlined how to use the training process to decrease expense-report fraud. The third article in this series will provide strategies for reviewing expense reports and addressing problems discovered during the review process. See also “A Guide to Preventing and Detecting Travel Agency Corruption (Part One of Three)” (Jan. 8, 2014), Part Two of Three (Jan. 22, 2014), Part Three of Three (Feb. 5, 2014).