Banks and other financial institutions are subject to constant regulatory scrutiny. Given their global reach and government touchpoints, they face constant challenges in assuring compliance with the FCPA. At a recent program sponsored by the New York City Bar Association, Chinwe Esimai, Senior Vice President of Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption at Citigroup Inc. and Morgan Heyer, Executive Director and Global Head of Anti-Corruption Group Compliance at Morgan Stanley, considered the most pressing FCPA risks in their industries (including the recent government inquiries into banks’ hiring practices) and how their companies are handling those risks. The panel was moderated by Kimberly A. Parker, a partner at Wilmer Hale and Claudius O. Sokenu, a partner at Shearman & Sterling. See “How Can Financial Services Firms and Employees Avoid FCPA Liability?” (Aug. 7, 2013).