In the fifth FCPA enforcement action this year brought only by the SEC, Mead Johnson has agreed to pay $12.03 million to settle charges that its Chinese subsidiary created a slush fund with distributor discounts and used that money to bribe health care practitioners to recommend its baby formula and collect marketing information about new mothers. The case is the latest in a line of Chinese health care FCPA enforcement actions, which may be taking on new life after the Chinese GSK case, Marc Alain Bohn, counsel at Miller & Chevalier, told the Anti-Corruption Report. We discuss the case and the compliance lessons, including the ramifications of Mead Johnson’s failure to self-report, and why the DOJ has reportedly declined to bring a parallel action. See also “What Does the PetroTiger Case Mean for FCPA Compliance? Sigelman’s Attorneys and Other Experts Weigh In” (Jun. 24, 2015).