The first half of 2015 is behind us, providing an opportunity to reflect on new trends in anti-corruption enforcement and what companies can expect going forward. A number of FCPA actions have made the news this year, but identifying trends and making predictions requires a more careful look at the numbers. As part of its FCPA Summer Review 2015, Miller & Chevalier has analyzed enforcement data and identified several trends in the first half of 2015, including a noticeable increase in the number of declinations by the DOJ. The Anti-Corruption Report spoke with James Tillen, a member of M&C and vice chair of the firm’s international department, about these trends, how companies should use them to improve their compliance programs and their negotiating strategies with the government and his predictions for the second half of 2015. See also “Government Officials and Defense Bar Offer Insights on FCPA Enforcement, Voluntary Disclosure and Cooperation” (Jul. 8, 2015).