International cooperation and whistleblowers are changing the government’s investigations and resolutions according to top FCPA enforcers. Due to these changes – and the ever-increasing sophistication of both the SEC and DOJ – the agencies’ goals, strategies and tactics continue to evolve and diverge based on their statutory remits. At this year’s ACI FCPA conference, Kara Brockmeyer, Chief of the FCPA Unit of the Division of Enforcement of the SEC, and Patrick Stokes, Deputy Chief of the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division of the DOJ, distilled the government’s enforcement priorities in their “Year in Review” discussion, and the Anti-Corruption Report spoke to several anti-corruption defense experts for their reactions. Stokes and Brockmeyer also discussed what they expect from compliance programs as well as the incentives they offer companies to self-report, cooperate and remediate, which will be discussed at length, with input from the FCPA bar, in our next issue. For coverage of last year’s panel see “Top FCPA Enforcers Tout Voluntary Disclosure and Warn About International Cooperation; The Defense Bar Responds” (Dec. 3, 2014) and “Top FCPA Officials Talk Compliance Tips and the Defense Bar Weighs In” (Dec. 17, 2014).