Although the long-term impact of the recent policy developments coming out of the DOJ is not certain, one thing appears to be – the Yates Memo will change the tenor of employee interviews conducted during internal investigations. In the past, employees might have been eager to participate to save their jobs, but now many more may be reluctant to cooperate with investigators at all, or may put conditions on their participation. The Anti-Corruption Report spoke with Quinn Emanuel partners William Burck and Ben O’Neill, as well as Stephen Spiegelhalter, a principal in the fraud investigations and dispute services practice at EY, about the new reality of interviewing employees during investigations. On May 16, 2016, Burck, O’Neill and Spiegelhalter will participate in a symposium hosted by Quinn Emanuel and the Anti-Corruption Report on this and other issues related to conducting internal investigations and negotiating with the government in light of the Yates Memo and the new DOJ Pilot Program.