In conjunction with the announcement of the FCPA Unit’s Pilot Program in April, the DOJ noted that the FBI has recently established three new squads of special agents who will focus on FCPA and anti-money laundering investigations. These three International Corruption Squads, “should send a powerful message that FCPA violations that might have gone uncovered in the past are now more likely to come to light,” said Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division in a press release. At an invitation-only event hosted by global consulting firm Protiviti and at ACI’s 18th Annual New York Conference on the FCPA, current and former FBI agents explained that the FBI’s strategy for fighting international corruption is built on five pillars and discussed how the strategy will affect FBI FCPA investigations going forward. See “Going Deep on the Fraud Section’s FCPA Pilot Program (Part One of Three)” (Apr. 20, 2016); “How Will the Fraud Section’s Pilot Program Change Voluntary Self-Reporting? (Part Two of Three)” (May 4, 2016); “Earning Cooperation Credit Under the Fraud Section’s FCPA Pilot Program (Part Three of Three)” (May 18, 2016).