While international public attention continues to be riveted by the drama unfolding in Brazil, two other major markets in Latin America are quietly – but determinedly – moving both to attract foreign investment and root out corruption. In the primary Southern Cone markets of Chile and Argentina, political leaders are committing to economic growth through pro-business policies and prosecuting players, in both the public and private realms, for bribery and corruption. In a guest article, Tara Giunta and Bryan Parr, partner and of counsel, respectively, at Paul Hastings, discuss the current corruption landscape in these two resource-rich countries and provide practical advice on how companies wishing to do business in Chile or Argentina can mitigate the risks of investing in these still challenging markets. See the Anti-Corruption Report’s three-part series on detecting and mitigating corruption risk when participating in public procurements: “Understanding the Procurement Process” (May 13, 2015); “Steps to Take Prior to Entering into a Procurement Process” (May 27, 2015); and “Seven Steps to Take During and After a Procurement Process” (Jun. 10, 2015).