While there is no shortage of legal textbooks on most legal topics, practical knowledge can be hard to come by, especially when it comes to modern corporate criminal investigations and prosecutions, which is an area unlike others. “You can’t go to the common law and read judicial opinions to figure out this area of practice,” Leo Tsao, a partner at Paul Hastings, told the Anti-Corruption Report. He and two of his colleagues, Dan Kahn, a partner at Davis Polk and former Chief of the Fraud Section at the DOJ, and Eugene Soltes, a professor at Harvard Business School, have a written a new book designed to fill that gap in knowledge and practice. The Anti-Corruption Report spoke to Kahn, Soltes and Tsao, who was Principal Deputy Chief of the DOJ’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, about the highlights of the book, as well as their take on current enforcement trends and the all-important topic of data analytics. See “Dan Kahn Reflects on the DOJ’s Compliance Evolution” (May 25, 2022).