Winning a contract through a public procurement process presents a tremendous opportunity for a company trying to enter or expand in an emerging market – the World Bank estimates that procurements account for approximately two-thirds of spending in such areas. However, these rich sources of business do not come without risk. Procurement processes require companies to interact with foreign officials and often involve third-party agents or local partners, providing ample opportunity for bribery. The Anti-Corruption Report is publishing a three-part article series to help companies mitigate the corruption risks that arise before, during and after the public procurement process. This third and final article in the series details seven steps a company should take to protect itself during and after a procurement process. The first article examined how procurement works and when and how bribery occurs during the procurement process. The second article provided six steps a company should take prior to engaging in a procurement process. See also “The World Bank’s Wide Reach and Its Growing Anti-Corruption Program” (May 28, 2014).